Preparing for Surgery

By: Stacey Hoffman and Zoë Jorna-Jackson

The agenda covers understanding the surgery process, including the difference between elective and emergency surgeries, common surgeries for chronic illness patients, and the importance of pre-surgery consultations, such as discussing medical history, current medications, and key questions to ask the surgeon. The medical preparations section emphasizes the necessity of pre-surgery evaluations, coordinating with healthcare providers, managing medications, and optimizing health through nutrition, exercise, and stress management. Logistical preparations involve understanding insurance coverage, planning for expenses, organizing important documents, arranging transportation, setting up a recovery space at home, and preparing meals and managing responsibilities for animals and kids. Work preparations include planning for FMLA or WAFMLA and communicating with management and HR. Emotional and psychological preparation focuses on managing anxiety and stress through techniques like therapy, support groups, and meditation, as well as identifying and communicating with a support system. On the day of surgery, the presentation covers what to bring, checking in, pre-operative procedures, and communicating with the surgical team. Post-surgery care includes pain management, monitoring for complications, attending follow-up appointments, tracking recovery progress, and long-term rehabilitation options.


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